Arts Partners

At Repertory Company High School for Theatre Arts, we are committed to offering students the opportunity to explore and experience the Arts in their classes and extra-curricular activities and through a broad range of inter-disciplinary Arts partnerships. We have joined together with world-class Arts institutions throughout the city to provide experiences, resources, and opportunities that are beyond the scope of our daily class work. Our partnerships with these institutions allow our students to meet working artists, see a wide range of professional productions, write and publish their work, participate in performance competitions that award scholarships, and much more. The following is a summary of our current partnerships:

Roundabout Theatre Company is the nation’s most influential not-for-profit theatre company and one of New York City’s leading cultural institutions. Repertory has entered into a school-wide partnership with Roundabout, which gives the school access to various programming, theatre tickets, and performance opportunities. In addition to the Postcard Production experience offered to all incoming 9th graders at Freshman Orientation, Roundabout’s teaching artists work with our 12th graders to complete the script-writing portion of their Senior Exit Projects.

The Town Hall Educational Outreach Programs serve over 6,500 students annually in theatre, stagecraft, dance, music, and visual arts. Town Hall teaching artists work closely with classroom teachers to plan and coordinate programs that strengthen curriculum connections. Many programs culminate with student performances that showcase students’ skills for families, school administrators, and peers. Teaching artists bring interactive art workshops into New York City elementary, middle, and high school classrooms. These activities introduce new skills that foster creative expression, critical thinking, self-awareness, personal discipline, and build self-esteem.

TDF Wendy Wasserstein Project “…celebrates Wendy’s vision of having accomplished theatre professionals take small groups of students to the theatre, meeting afterward, and chatting over a meal—a simple yet eloquent way to celebrate the joy of live theatre,” said Ginger Bartkoski Meagher, Director of TDF Education Programs. “As a group, they get to investigate what is meaningful, personal, and lasting about attending a live performance. Amazing students and mentors journey together through a season, inspiring one another and learning about the world as reflected through the art and each other. Renaming this program was a perfect way to cap an incredible year of TDF’s programming for thousands of students, most of whom have never seen a live theatrical performance.”

Flamenco Vivo Since 1983, Flamenco Vivo has provided life-changing educational experiences to students of all ages and abilities, forging hands-on relationships with Hispanic culture, unlocking creativity, and inspiring diverse populations.