PupilPath allows you to view the following:
Your child's assignments and projects, along with due dates.
Your child's performance in each class, including homework, classwork, tests, and projects.
Progress reports from teachers throughout the school year.
Handouts and assignments when your child is absent from school.
Your child's transcripts and graduation eligibility status.
School announcements, new calendar listings, and upcoming events
And, in some classrooms, your child's attendance.
We hope that by enabling you to see this information daily, we will be able to work together to ensure that our children remain on track in every class. We will ensure that our students get the most out of their education as we work together.
After registering, you will receive an email with an activation link that will allow you to set your password.
If you have any difficulty signing into Pupil Path, please email KDell@Schools.NYC.Gov.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: When do teachers update the information on PupilPath?
A: Teachers update PupilPath every Monday at the end of the school day.
Q: What should I do if I have questions regarding the information on PupilPath?
A: We recommend sending the teacher a message through PupilPath.
Q: Can my child download assignments from PupilPath?
A: While some teachers may choose to upload certain documents, we currently use the system only to record assignments, grades, and attendance. Additionally, some instructional materials cannot be easily scanned and uploaded.
Q: Is the attendance recorded on PupilPath done in real time?
A: Attendance is updated at the end of the day and is not the official school attendance.
Q: Does PupilPath provide due dates for assignments?
A: Yes. All assignments have due dates recorded.